Reclaiming Ritual Objects

Over the past two years, Z has been incorporating their value of doikayt, Yiddish meaning “hereness,” to invoke pieces that connect to their roots and others in a way that explores desires for grounding and play in a reality that is deeply diasporic. 

Through these explorations they have sought to re-envision ritual objects in service of conversations about reparations, struggles with identity, communal healing and social justice. 

In creating vessels that both reference traditional judaica while breaking through those very boundaries, they work toward empowering their community to be agents in their own traditions.

Image Right: Shabbat Candle Stick Holders with Kiddish Cup 

Shabbat Candle Stick Holders

Besamim Holders

Kiddish Cups

Shabbat Candle Stick Holders with Kiddish Cup

Shabbat Candle Stick Holders

Besamim Holders

Kiddish Cup

Tikkun Olam

Urn for Repair of the World

Tikkun Olam


Olam Haba

Urn for the World to Come

Netilat Yadayim

Ritual Handwashing Cup

Faygeleh Mobile (derogatory)

Hiddur Mitzvah

Urn to Beautify Ritual

Olam Haba Jar

Tzedakah Box

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